Be Still

17 Jan / by: CCCA / 0 comments /
Photo courtesy of UCYC

The stillness we’re longing for still exists. Finding it takes a little more effort than it used to, perhaps, but it’s attainable if we’re willing to seek it out. Camp is one place it can always be found. Located in remote settings, the opportunities to put aside distractions and pursue quiet are abundant at camp.

Rest assured, summer camp offers loads of fun and exciting adventures. We’re wired for exploring, taking risks and finding enjoyment in new activities. But time away at camp also provides a space and a place to listen. To be still. To pause and see the beauty found in the nature around you.

Nature has a certain way of reminding us what we’re a part of—something much bigger than ourselves. Clearing our minds and developing new perspectives happens when we decide to spend time gazing at the stars rather than our screens.

The stillness we’re longing for still exists. That’s the power of camp.

Find a camp for your summer adventure at