Photo Courtesy of Inspiration Point Christian Camp and Retreat Center

An Analog Approach to Improving Your Wellbeing

10 Mar / by: CCCA / 0 comments /
Photo Courtesy of Inspiration Point Christian Camp and Retreat Center

Photo Courtesy of Inspiration Point Christian Camp and Retreat Center

Blake Mycoskie, founder of TOMS shoes and Pat Dossett, former Navy SEAL, looked for ways to improve their personal wellness. With a flood of health and wellness apps—around 250,000—these two innovators decided to create a solution without screens.

Their idea became the program “MadeFor.” This analog approach to wellness takes the form of a 10-month program that applies the principles of modern neuroscience, psychology and physiology to make subscribers’ brains and bodies better. Each month has a theme: gratitude, nature, connection, breathe, hydration, rest, fuel, clarity, vision and movement. Mycoskie and Dossett have learned what camp leaders endorse every day.

Let’s look at a several ways summer camp supports the healthy habits championed by MadeFor.

Camps are located in some of the most beautiful places on earth. Huge, open skies boast their size overhead. Shades of green paint the treetops and grass underfoot. Well-worn dirt paths weave through serene settings. When youth and adults go outdoors, they have time to breathe, reflect on their lives and ask big questions. During the hurried pace of life, that’s hard to do daily. Time in nature creates margin to contemplate how we spend our lives.

Camps are incubators for friendships. Kids befriend other kids, connecting through games of gaga ball or playing capture the flag. They have time to interact with positive, trusted adult role models who care and remind them of their value. Camps offer screen-free activities—otherwise known as onramps for face-to-face conversations and deeper relationships.

Where do kids go to dream? What do they envision their future could look like? Camp can serve as a space for kids to be kids and imagine what could be. Stepping outside of routines can ignite creativity and a sense of wonder for the world around us.

Summer’s coming. Find a camp today at