Looking for a summer job and an adventure?

27 Mar / by: Penny Hunter / 0 comments /

What a great first job!

It’s not easy being a teenage summer camp counselor. You’re only 17 and have never been in charge of 12 sixth graders before, but you have to stay alert, watching for that camper who keeps chasing butterflies or that girl who wants to stay up all night reading. You also want to be attentive to the camper who is a little homesick.

Ultimately, as a camp counselor, you learn to be a leader. At places like T-Bar-M Christian camp in Texas and Wisconsin’s Phantom Ranch Bible Camp (along with hundreds of other camps you can find on www.ThePowerofCamp.com), you’ll get equipped to lead well and to make a difference in the lives of campers. All of these camps believe in the power of camp and the amazing effect that being a counselor has on high school and college students each summer.

As a counselor, you will learn to put your needs last, and to love kids even when they may seem unlovable or disinterested. “Love God? Love kids? Love to play?” reads T-Bar-M Christian Camp website. “Then there may be a perfect spot for you to serve this summer. We are looking for young adults willing to serve wholeheartedly in order to impact lives for the glory of Christ.”

Many young campers come back later to be counselors and say that’s because their leaders made such a huge difference in their lives. As a counselor, there will be those moments when all the buzz and excitement has vanished; you’ve waved goodbye to kids that you’ve grown enormously attached to and realize how profound the week has been.

Being a summer camp counselor is hard work, but you wouldn’t trade anything for the experience of having a dozen kids depend on you. Of watching campers who were unsure of themselves gain confidence.

Being a counselor has opened up your eyes to what you could be doing with your life.

You’ve discovered you can touch lives.


Photo courtesy of CRISTA camps