Find Community at Camp

23 May / by: Christian Camping / 0 comments /

Photo Courtesy of Word of Life

Do you feel like you have people in your corner to support you in the hard times and celebrate with you in the good times?

It’s okay if that answer is no.

If you feel lonely, you’re not the only one. According to a study done by McCrindle Research group, 71% of Gen Z often or sometimes feels lonely. Loneliness has been declared an epidemic by the U.S. surgeon general.

If you’re a part of the 71% of Gen Z who says they often or sometimes feel lonely, spend the summer working at camp! It’s not too late – many camps are still looking for great people like you to serve this summer.

Working at camp allows you to meet people from across the country and even the world. The teammates you work with at camp will become fast friends who feel like family. You’ll get to establish a strong and unique bond as you create fun memories during camp games, meals, campfires and staff training.

As you spend the summer together, you’ll get to support each other during the challenging times and celebrate the victories together.

Think about how much you’ll grow as a teammate from working with all kinds of different people.

Are you ready to meet your new best friends? Find a camp job here.