What I Gained By Going to Camp

23 May / by: Christian Camping / 0 comments /

Photo Courtesy of Camp Lebanon

For years I was too anxious to go to camp. Spending five whole days away from my parents with people I didn’t know sounded more terrifying than exciting.

However, when I finally gained the courage to go to camp, I never wanted to leave. Summer camp was a place where I felt I truly belonged and I was cared for by amazing role models. It seemed as if the main goal every day was to have the maximum amount of fun.

Perhaps you’re nervous about sending your kids to camp, or they have fears about going. Here’s what I gained from going to camp. I hope that this testimony will be an encouragement for you.

  1. Courage
    It’s very empowering to do things you never thought were possible. For some kids, it may be reaching the top of the camp rock wall, horseback riding or participating in the camp talent show. Whatever our fears may be, it’s a vital part of childhood to realize we can overcome them.
  2. Teamwork
    As campers stay in a cabin with their peers, they get to eat meals together, compete in camp games and participate in team-bonding activities. This is a great opportunity for kids to learn how they interact in team settings and how they can use their unique personalities to contribute to their community.
  3. Independence
    While campers may be nervous to be away from home for several days, they will be filled with confidence at the end of the week when they have successfully accomplished this goal. Being away from their routine can be a great opportunity to gain some independence in a safe environment with plenty of camp staff around to help when needed.
  4. Mentors
    Speaking of those camp staff, the counselors in your children’s cabin are great role models. They’ll keep your child safe, comfort them when needed and ensure they have tons of fun! Camp is a set apart place where kids can open up in a unique way and receive wisdom and encouragement from those who have a bit more life experience. Even ten years later, I can name my first camp counselors, and I’ll never forget how they encouraged me and made my camp experience life-changing.
  5. Memories
    Spending summer afternoons eating ice cream with cabin mates, playing a hilarious camp-wide game called Bonkers and sitting under the stars, chatting with my counselors about how much I loved camp are all memories that I’ll never forget. Spending a week at camp is an experience your kids won’t forget. It’s an investment that will have a lifelong impact.

Send your kids to camp this summer.