5 Good Reasons to Send Your Child to Camp

06 Feb / by: Penny Hunter / 0 comments / tags : ,,,,

Photos courtesy of Crista Camps With all the activity options kids have to choose from these days, it can be challenging to determine which experiences are worth the investment of time (our kids’) and money (our own). Here are a few of the reasons why a week—or a summer—at camp should be at the top […]

The Trifecta of Adolescence

10 Mar / by: CCCA / 0 comments /

Photo Credit: courtesy of Camp Tejas Relationships.  Fun.  Challenges.  These three things are an everyday part of a kid’s life.  Sometimes good.  Sometimes bad. Relationships might be unhealthy, broken or stressful.  Fun might come in the form of too much time in front of the television, playing video games, or even participating in unwholesome activities like underage […]

New Power of Camp Graphic: Everything is Better at Camp

10 Mar / by: CCCA / 0 comments /

Download and share the new infographic for The Power of Camp. It’s clear that kids need camp today – let’s spread the word.

There’s Something about Being Somewhere Else

28 Feb / by: CCCA / 0 comments /

I have been working in Christian Camping for 25 years, so it goes without saying that I believe in the Power of Camp. My thirteen-year-old daughter has lived at Trout Lake Camps, the place I work, her entire life. She lives a life that I can’t imagine — filled with climbing walls, zip-lines and horses in […]

The Power of Camp in My Life

28 Feb / by: CCCA / 0 comments /

When I went to camp at 17, I was an angry, rebellious kid with a chip on his shoulder and a mean streak to go with it. I spent most of my energy trying to get attention or gain acceptance. I was living in the shadow of an older brother who was able to do […]

Taking a Breath

13 Feb / by: CCCA / 0 comments /

The Power of Camp     Summer camp is a breath of fresh air. At least that’s how singer-songwriter Justin McRoberts sees it.     McRoberts, who has recorded seven albums and is a speaker at camps and elsewhere, says that he first experienced camp at age 13 in the foothills of California’s Sierra Nevada […]

How a Week in the Outdoors Can Benefit Kids

26 Jan / by: CCCA / 0 comments /

There was a time when the plaintive call came often, “What’s there to do, Mom?” You seldom hear that anymore. Before kids are barely out of diapers, they are bombarded with compelling opportunities for amusement. Little mites scurry about on ice rinks and soccer fields followed by rabid parent fans. The teams sport expensive uniforms. […]

Tips For Finding a Summer Spot in the Outdoors for Your Kid

26 Jan / by: CCCA / 0 comments /

When I was a kid, you went to camp where your parents wanted to send you, and their choices were somewhat limited. But these days, the camp consumer is much more discerning, and that shift has helped create many new breeds of camps. There are so many different types of camp experiences, in fact, that […]