There are moments that change you. Sometimes they are big, planned events like graduation or a wedding. But, most often, they come as surprises while you’re just doing life. Camp is full of those opportunities. Moments when you discover what you’re made of. What you’re made for. There’s something special about being away, being in […]

There’s a lot we chase after in life, whether we intend to or we are influenced by society. We miss a lot of what life is meant to be when we narrow our mindset to society’s ideal life: go to school, work hard, get a job and pay the bills. When really, life is more than that. American […]

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” It’s a question we often ask kids. Maybe the question is a way of us remembering and dreaming. Maybe it’s a way for us to get to know a young person in our lives. Parents long to see their kids succeed and pursue their dreams. […]

The golden ticket. The brass ring. The winning numbers. They’re all long-shots but your dream job is just one email away. This summer camps around the country are looking for people who want to make a difference in the world and believe it’s possible to have fun while doing it. Camps are still looking for […]

Illustrator Luke Flowers grew up in a place where his imagination ran wild. Set against the Rocky Mountains, his childhood home was an environment where creativity, hard work and perseverance thrived. “I grew up at camp where my dad, and his dad before him, ran the horse ranch for a camp in Buena Vista, Colorado. […]

When you travel to new places, your sense of wonder comes alive. Your eyes scan the landscape, taking in new sights, tracing every building and tree. There’s a newness, a kind of mystery about traveling to a new place. You know you’re going to discover something you haven’t ever seen before. You’re keenly aware of […]

How one leader gained lifelong lessons working at a guest ranch What does it take to forge a leader? Where do people go to become leaders who accept responsibility, serve others and change the world? For one leader, the time he spent working at Lost Valley Ranch made all the difference. Brad Lomenick is a […]

It’s possible the pandemic may include more stay-at-home orders in the future, resulting in more virtual learning and students interacting with their peers primarily through technology. Youth workers, parents and camp leaders are asking, “How will isolation impact children and adolescents?” Pre-teen and teen years are incredibly formative, so what happens when kids are separated […]

Have you seen the Netflix documentary “The Social Dilemma?” The 2020 film dives into the complexities—and consequences—of social media. If you’ve seen the documentary, you know the concerns voiced by former employees of social media corporations and how it’s impacting our culture. In his book “Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now,” […]

Your kids may be going back to school in-person, ironing out the logistics of online school or maybe a combination of both. This fall is unconventional in a lot of ways, but instead of focusing on the unique challenges, what if you could focus on what’s most important? Like spending time with family, playing some […]