Illustrator Luke Flowers grew up in a place where his imagination ran wild. Set against the Rocky Mountains, his childhood home was an environment where creativity, hard work and perseverance thrived. “I grew up at camp where my dad, and his dad before him, ran the horse ranch for a camp in Buena Vista, Colorado. […]

When you travel to new places, your sense of wonder comes alive. Your eyes scan the landscape, taking in new sights, tracing every building and tree. There’s a newness, a kind of mystery about traveling to a new place. You know you’re going to discover something you haven’t ever seen before. You’re keenly aware of […]

How one leader gained lifelong lessons working at a guest ranch What does it take to forge a leader? Where do people go to become leaders who accept responsibility, serve others and change the world? For one leader, the time he spent working at Lost Valley Ranch made all the difference. Brad Lomenick is a […]

It’s possible the pandemic may include more stay-at-home orders in the future, resulting in more virtual learning and students interacting with their peers primarily through technology. Youth workers, parents and camp leaders are asking, “How will isolation impact children and adolescents?” Pre-teen and teen years are incredibly formative, so what happens when kids are separated […]

Have you seen the Netflix documentary “The Social Dilemma?” The 2020 film dives into the complexities—and consequences—of social media. If you’ve seen the documentary, you know the concerns voiced by former employees of social media corporations and how it’s impacting our culture. In his book “Ten Arguments for Deleting Your Social Media Accounts Right Now,” […]

Your kids may be going back to school in-person, ironing out the logistics of online school or maybe a combination of both. This fall is unconventional in a lot of ways, but instead of focusing on the unique challenges, what if you could focus on what’s most important? Like spending time with family, playing some […]

Leaving the confines of indoor spaces presents children and teens the opportunity to drink in fresh air. Crisp, invigorating, fresh air. Aside from health benefits, which there are plenty, there are more reasons for kids to get outside. Studies are showing kids who prioritized spending time outdoors learn to navigate the physical world better than […]

Maybe this summer you had a chance to attend camp. Maybe you didn’t. Whatever the circumstances—COVID has certainly presented a variety of them—we know they’ve been challenging. Sometimes you’ve been lonely. Sometimes you’ve been frustrated. Even melancholic. When it’s difficult, we look for silver-linings because we long for hope. We long for brighter days. We’re […]

Camp’s great for adventure seekers. Music lovers. Sports fanatics. Art aficionados. It’s a place for everyone to belong. There are theater, STEM, equestrian and aquatics camps. Culinary, outdoor education, leadership, skateboarding camps. Mountain boarding, robotics, cheerleading camps. The list goes on. The bottom line is whichever camp you choose, there’s a place for you to […]

During quarantine times, many of us long to be elsewhere, to be outside the walls of our homes. Many of us didn’t have the opportunity to attend camp this summer; it’s our own kind of oasis. Perhaps camp helps us feel more alive by igniting all of our senses, reminding us of the whimsical world […]