Photo Courtesy of Word of Life

Spending Your Summer Together

23 Feb / by: CCCA / 0 comments /

There’s a lot of talk about the value of building community. But, what does that look like? You understand how that happens on your dorm floor, or your fraternity or sorority. You’ve experienced community-building when you’ve played on sports teams or have been in a club. How do you build community during the few short […]

Photo courtesy of Miracle Camp and Retreat Center

Four Ways Working at Camp Prepares You for Your Best Life

21 Feb / by: CCCA / 0 comments /

The future is hard to predict. It’s not just cliché to say the world is changing fast — it really is… for better or worse. As you go through your daily life, it’s easy to get caught up in what is happening right now and not think about what you want for your future. And […]

Photo courtesy of Sky Ranch

Is It Really Too Much to Ask?

17 Feb / by: CCCA / 0 comments /

So, you want a lot out of a job. If you invest yourself in something, you want to know it matters and that your work has value. We get it. You’re not wrong! What if you could work somewhere you’re valued? What if you could find a job that combined your take on life with […]

Photo courtesy of Mount Hermon

Six Ways Working at Camp Preps You for a Successful Career

10 Feb / by: CCCA / 0 comments /

Look around and you’ll see a lot of articles, blogs and social media posts claiming that the job market is hot — there are not enough unemployed people to fill every job that’s open in the U.S. Still, most college students find it challenging to land that first job after graduation — and especially a […]

Photo courtesy of Word of Life - Students playing on blog in a lake

When Boredom Isn’t a Bad Thing

19 Jul / by: CCCA / 0 comments /

At this point in the summer, teens might be dishing out the classic phrase, “I’m booooored.” They’re likely turning to their devices to pass the time, but chances are those feelings of boredom are only multiplied as they scroll. Screens seem like quick fixes, offering entertainment when the world around them seems uninteresting. So, how […]

Image: A healthy dose of laughter

A Healthy Dose of Laughter

07 Jul / by: CCCA / 0 comments /

When was the last time you were in a crowd and the whole group erupted in laughter? The energy seemed to swell, and sounds of chuckles, snorts and hearty laughs filled the room. Bright smiles came upon each face, reflecting pure joy. There’s really nothing like it. Laughter is contagious, and there are scientific reasons […]

Defining Moments - Photo of camper on ropes course

Defining Moments

18 Jun / by: CCCA / 0 comments /

There are moments that change you. Sometimes they are big, planned events like graduation or a wedding. But, most often, they come as surprises while you’re just doing life. Camp is full of those opportunities. Moments when you discover what you’re made of. What you’re made for. There’s something special about being away, being in […]

Why You Should Work at Camp at Least Once in Your Life photo of boy on climbing wall high-fiving camp staff

Why You Should Work at Camp at Least Once in Your Life

15 Jun / by: CCCA / 0 comments /

There’s a lot we chase after in life, whether we intend to or we are influenced by society. We miss a lot of what life is meant to be when we narrow our mindset to society’s ideal life: go to school, work hard, get a job and pay the bills. When really, life is more than that. American […]

Image of several children playing at camp

Camp Could Play an Important Role in Your Child’s Future

28 May / by: CCCA / 0 comments /

“What do you want to be when you grow up?” It’s a question we often ask kids. Maybe the question is a way of us remembering and dreaming. Maybe it’s a way for us to get to know a young person in our lives. Parents long to see their kids succeed and pursue their dreams. […]

Your Dream Job Image of three young camp staff talking and laughing

Your Dream Job

27 May / by: CCCA / 0 comments /

The golden ticket. The brass ring. The winning numbers. They’re all long-shots but your dream job is just one email away. This summer camps around the country are looking for people who want to make a difference in the world and believe it’s possible to have fun while doing it. Camps are still looking for […]